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I am astounded at how many companions in faith I have. Due to the power of the world wide web, I meet more and more every day. What a joy. What a pleasure.

Where does our authority come from to say what we proclaim? Did we get elected? Does it come from a popular vote? Did some religious elite appoint me as a spokesperson for Jesus?

Nope! I am not wise from a theological point of view. I don’t have an advanced degree. The church doesn’t sanction what I say.

The only authority I have comes directly from Jesus, the anointed King (Messiah). It comes from God who raised Him from the dead.

Because of that I have great words. What are they? They are grace (the stunning beauty of Jesus) and peace!

I know what peace is because Jesus the Messiah rescued me from this evil world. I’m in on things because Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice for my missing God’s goal (aka sin).

God has a plan. God wants everyone to experience that rescue.

Glory to God forever. Oh yes, it is amazing.