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In honor of a great man and prophet of God, let us all hold our dreams up for the world to see and our hearts to embrace. Here are a few of King’s pearls of wisdom to help remind you of the power of a vision from God. We start with the top 31 and then move on to over 200 others.

Did you know that one of Martin Luther King Jr.’s advisers had recommended that he leave out the “I have a dream” phrase for his speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963? Luckily, King ignored that recommendation.

That speech and quotes from many others have inspired us and given us the courage to act upon our own dreams.

The main thing is Dr. King’s commitment to Jesus, our Master and Messiah. One King bowing down to the King!

Read the quotes here:

All the great Martin Luther King, Jr. quotes — A comprehensive list | Jesus Quotes and God Thoughts