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God is God. God has made Jesus King of God’s country. God makes up His own mind about me and my heart.

God isn’t paying attention to what others have to say about me. God doesn’t really care what they think even if they don’t say it about me.

God doesn’t really care much what I think. My opinion is of no consequence unless I align my thinking with what King Jesus wants me to do.

I can go against the grain of the orders of my Master Jesus.

All it will get me is splinters. That is true for all of us. It doesn’t matter what our parents taught us. It doesn’t matter what schools we went to and what degrees we have. All that matters is the commands of Jesus and He wants us to love. That is it.

My job is to embrace the way God does things; the will of God and His Son Jesus. It is all about “Your will be done”!

Radically changing my mind and changing how I act has huge benefits in the country of God where Jesus is King. There are wonderful and stunning payoffs. It isn’t about being a “Christian” and getting a stamp of approval from Church.

It is about taking up my cross, following Jesus and being a disciple.

There is a way that leads to life. That WAY is King Jesus.