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God will give us rest

Life is a journey, filled with challenges and obstacles that can often leave us feeling weary and drained. In these moments of exhaustion, it is easy to lose sight of our purpose and the path that lies ahead. But fear not, for the Word of God reminds us that He is our source of strength, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can rise above the weariness and find renewed energy to continue our journey.

He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might he increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, 31 yet those who wait for Yahweh will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.

Isaiah 40:29–31

Imagine the powerful imagery presented here – the soaring wings of eagles and the promise of newfound strength. This passage speaks not only of physical stamina but also of the spiritual and emotional fortitude that comes from a deep relationship with the Lord. As believers and disciples of Jesus the Messiah, we are called to tap into this divine source of strength.

Waiting on Yahweh: A Journey of Trust – The act of “waiting” in this context is not a passive idleness, but a purposeful and expectant trust in the Lord. It’s a recognition that our human efforts may falter, and our strength may wane, but God’s strength is inexhaustible. This waiting involves surrendering our burdens, worries, and weariness to Him, knowing that He will renew us in His perfect time.

  • The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in this process. It’s through the Holy Spirit that God’s strength becomes our strength.
  • The Spirit empowers us, equips us, and infuses us with the energy to keep going, even when life’s circumstances threaten to overwhelm us.
  • It is through the Holy Spirit that we can experience the true depth of God’s love and the assurance that He is always with us, guiding us on our journey.

Soaring, Running, Walking: The Progression of Faith – Isaiah’s passage speaks of different levels of movement – soaring, running, and walking. Each of these represents a stage in our spiritual journey and a level of reliance on God’s strength.

  1. Soaring like Eagles: Eagles are known for their incredible ability to soar high above the earth, effortlessly gliding on currents of air. When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we can rise above the challenges that try to keep us grounded. We gain a new perspective, seeing our circumstances through God’s eyes, and finding hope and courage to overcome.
  2. Running without Getting Tired: Running signifies action and determination. As we run our race of faith, the Holy Spirit provides the endurance needed to persevere. We can move forward with confidence, knowing that God’s power is sustaining us every step of the way.
  3. Walking without Becoming Weary: Walking represents the daily rhythm of life. Even in the mundane and routine moments, the Holy Spirit infuses us with the strength to keep going. It’s a reminder that God’s power is not just for the extraordinary moments, but for every single day.

Embracing the Power of the Holy Spirit: In our own strength, we are bound to grow weary. Like youths and vigorous young men, we may stumble and fall. But as disciples of Jesus, we have access to a wellspring of divine strength that knows no bounds. Through the Holy Spirit, we can tap into God’s limitless power, finding the energy to soar above challenges, run with perseverance, and walk in steadfast faith.

Let us embrace the promise of Isaiah with open hearts. Let us wait on Yahweh with eager expectation, allowing the Holy Spirit to infuse us with the strength that comes from above. As we do so, we will find ourselves soaring on wings of faith, running with unwavering endurance, and walking with a resilient spirit. May this passage serve as a reminder that we are never alone in our journey – the Holy Spirit is our constant companion, empowering us to rise above, overcome, and continue moving forward.