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When Jesus came to earth, His ultimate purpose was to bring to the Father those who would turn to Him. Scripture states this truth in many places, such as the following:

For the Messiah also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God.

(1 Peter 3:18, NASB)

Why did Jesus die? “That He might bring us to God.” Jesus was not the end; He was the way. He said that Himself, quite emphatically, in John 14:6:

Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me. (NASB)

Jesus is the way, but the Father is the destination. I think that, many times in our Christian faith, we really miss the purpose of God. We talk a great deal about the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, our Intercessor, our Mediator, and so on. All of these terms are wonderful and true, but they stop short of God’s purpose. God’s purpose is not merely that we should come to the Son, but also that, through the Son, we should come to the Father.

  1. First, we see that the Messiah died for sins. This implies that sin is a serious problem that requires a radical solution. Sin is not just a minor flaw or a mistake; it is a rebellion against God and his holy law. Sin separates us from God and exposes us to his wrath and judgment. Sin deserves death, both physical and spiritual. But the Messiah died for our sins. He took our place and bore our punishment on the cross. He paid the price that we could not pay. He satisfied God’s justice and appeased his anger. He became our substitute and our sacrifice.
  2. Second, we see that the Messiah died once for all. This means that his death was sufficient and final. He did not need to die again and again, like the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament. He offered himself once and for all time, as the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. His death was effective and complete. He finished the work that he came to do.
  3. Third, we see that the Messiah died as the just for the unjust. This shows us the contrast and the exchange that took place on the cross. Christ was perfectly righteous and sinless; we are utterly sinful and guilty. Christ deserved life and glory; we deserved death and hell. But he took our place and gave us his place. He became sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in him. He suffered what we should have suffered, so that we might enjoy what he should have enjoyed.
  4. Fourth, we see that the Messiah died in order to bring us to God. This reveals the purpose and the result of his death. He did not die merely to save us from something, but to save us for someone. He died to reconcile us to God, to restore our relationship with him, to make us his children and friends. He died to bring us into his presence, his family, his kingdom.

This is the amazing grace and love of God displayed in the cross of the Messiah. This is the gospel that we believe and proclaim. This is the hope that we have and share.

May we never forget or take for granted what the Messiah has done for us. May we always live in gratitude and obedience to him who loved us and gave himself for us.