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In the canvas of redemption, a divine stroke,

A promise whispered, a crimson cloak.

“Though your sins are as scarlet,” He declared,

A grace-filled truth, in the hearts it’s shared.


Scarlet sins, a vivid hue of transgression,

Yet hope springs forth, a holy confession.

They shall become as white as driven snow,

A transformation profound, in love’s gentle flow.


Crimson stains, a mark of human strife,

But behold the promise, the promise of life.

“They shall be like wool,” the Savior decreed,

A cleansing power, for every soul in need.


The scarlet fades, the crimson transforms,

In the mercy of God, a soul reforms.

Through grace, a metamorphosis untold,

A story of redemption, beautifully unfold.


In the hues of forgiveness, a heavenly glow,

The scarlet sins to white, in the divine show.

Washed in the purity, the cleansing tide,

A resurrection within, where love abides.


So, let the words resonate, a sacred decree,

Of scarlet to white, from crimson to free.

For in the arms of grace, we find release,

A promise fulfilled, our sins find peace.

[Based on Isaiah 1:18]