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Holy Spirit

In God’s world, everything happens by His spirit. The victory belongs to Him no matter how much I plan and get ready. That is the lesson of Jesus. He just did what He saw His Father doing. Sometimes I get confused thinking I should be able to do it all by myself and then get the credit.

  • How do I get things done in God’s world?
  • What makes the difference?
  • Does it happen if I am just strong and force my way through life?

My victory is in Jesus. That is the only way to get it done and please God, our Father. May I know in the depths of my heart that it is God who is the source of accomplishments.

Then he said to me, “This is the word of Yahweh to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says Yahweh.[1]

Zechariah 4:6

In the book of Zechariah, we find a profound message that transcends time and speaks directly to the hearts of believers across generations. These words are not just ancient scripture; they are a timeless reminder of the incredible power and guidance that the Holy Spirit brings into our lives.

As Christians, we follow and are disciples of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit plays a significant role in our faith journey. In Zechariah’s time, Zerubbabel faced immense challenges as he looked to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The task seemed daunting, and the resources available appeared insufficient. Yet, God’s message to Zerubbabel stays as relevant today as it was then: the accomplishment of God’s work is not dependent on human might or power but on the divine and supernatural intervention of the Holy Spirit.

Consider the world we live in today. We often find ourselves grappling with situations that seem insurmountable, facing obstacles that appear unconquerable, and pursuing dreams that seem too distant to reach. In such moments, we must remember Zechariah 4:6 and take comfort in the truth that God’s Spirit is our source of strength, guidance, and inspiration.

The Holy Spirit empowers us beyond our human limitations. When we lean on our own might and power, we may falter and become discouraged. But when we allow the Spirit to work through us, we tap into an infinite reservoir of divine strength. It is a power that can move mountains, change hearts, and transform lives.

The Holy Spirit supplies direction and wisdom. In a world filled with noise and distractions, we often struggle to discern the right path. But by yielding to the Spirit’s guidance, we find clarity amidst confusion. The Spirit speaks to our hearts, offering insight, and leading us in the way we should go.

  • The story of Zerubbabel teaches us that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome when we rely on the Spirit’s power.
  • As we face our personal mountains, be they health issues, financial struggles, broken relationships, or any other trials, we must remember that we are not alone.
  • The Spirit of God is with us, empowering us to conquer whatever stands in our way.

It is crucial to recognize that God’s work is not carried out solely through human effort. We may have talents, skills, and resources, but it is the Spirit’s anointing that brings about true success. Whether in our careers, ministries, or personal endeavors, we must invite the Spirit to be the driving force behind our actions.

Zechariah reminds us of the profound truth that as Christians, we are not limited by our own might or power. We have access to a divine and limitless source of strength and guidance—the Holy Spirit.

  • When we trust in His power, there is no obstacles too great, no dream too distant, and no challenge too daunting.
  • So, let us embrace the words of Zechariah with faith and confidence, knowing that by His Spirit, we can achieve the extraordinary and bring glory to our Heavenly Father.

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Zec 4:6.