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Here is a guest article from Mandy Sweigart-Quinn. Mandy is known as the Blue Collar Theologian (www.bluecollartheologian.blog)! She loves Jesus, His Word and encouraging His people! In May 2019 she graduated from Capital Seminary and Graduate School with a MA in Biblical Studies and is now pursuing a PhD in Biblical Studies from Capital. 

For the last four weeks my church has been doing a sermon series called “Slacktivism.” Truth be told, I thought this was a made up term. For those who are like me and never heard this before, the word “slacktivism” is defined as “The act of supporting a cause or desiring to see change but putting forth minimal effort, commitment or risk.” Slacktivism is also known as “armchair activism” and “clicktivism.”

The older I get the more I become a “slacktivist.” I am becoming overwhelmed by all the disorder, chaos and needs in this world. For me, when I hear about injustice, I become angry (not always righteous anger, I confess) and am compelled to do something. However, it does not take my (righteous) anger long to turn into despair because I do not know where to start. I do not know where to begin to “fix” the problem. So instead of doing something, I do nothing. I complain about the injustice, I am emotionally stirred to do something yet, my hand does not respond.

The Apostle Paul tells us to “not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up (Gal 6:9 ESV). We will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up doing good. This blessing is that we will grow closer to God. We will grow in character and favor as we live as God intends.

Three times Paul admonishes Titus to remind his congregants to “be ready for every good work”  (3:1,8,14). I do not know what slacktivism looks like in your life. All I know is that we are called to devote ourselves to good works (3:8) and to help those in need and to be productive and fruitful rather than unproductive (3:14).

I am humbled and challenged to be a genuine doer of the Word and not just a hearer or talker. It is easy for us to like, reblog or forward outrage or emotional stories; it is much harder when we actually step up and get involved.

May we fight the devil’s urge to keep us as slacktivists rather than activists!

Lord God, You know the needs around are great and growing everyday. Lord, regardless of what popular teaching states, this world is NOT getting better. You have not designed this world to be complete this side of heaven. Lord, give us strength to do good. Help us Lord to look around and see the need in our local communities. Help us look at where we can do good locally just as much as globally. Lord God, I do not know where this precious reader lives; however, I ask that You unite all Your people with a heart for doing good. Lord God, so often we want to do good, we just do not know how. Lord, strengthen and encourage those who are on the frontlines fighting sex trafficking, advocating for the falsely accused and wrongly imprisoned. Lord God, help all of us to care for widows and orphans in their distress. Lord, may each believer work to the level that You have given them. Lord, may we not use our fears and anxieties to justify our complacency. Thank You Lord for this precious reader! In Jesus’s Name I pray, Amen.

Source: Slacktivism – Blue Collar Theologian

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