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Here is some great advice from the Apostle Paul. The best he can wish for us is that we stay on track and that we are steady in God. Persistence and discipline are amazing when it comes to knowing God.

  • How often do we start something to not finish it?
  • My life is littered with great intentions and false starts.
  • What happened to that diet?
  • Why did I quit exercising?

One of the greatest tragedies in the old plan were men of God who started well but finished poorly. So … the best thing for us is that we stay on track and do not waver. Steady is the way of God’s new plan for us through his son Jesus, the Messiah.

Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Master, my beloved. [1]

Philippians 4:1

The verse begins with “Therefore”, which connects it to the previous chapter where Paul talks about the glorious future that awaits us when Christ returns. He urges us to live as citizens of heaven, not of this world, and to follow his example of pursuing the Messiah more than anything else. He also warns us about the enemies of the cross who live for their own selfish desires and will face destruction.

Then he addresses his readers as “my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown”. What a beautiful way to express his affection and appreciation for them! He calls them brothers, which shows that they are part of God’s family and share a common faith. He says he loves them and longs for them, which reveals his deep attachment and desire to see them again. He calls them his joy and crown, which means that they are the source of his happiness and reward for his ministry. He is proud of them and their progress in faith.

Finally, he exhorts them to “stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved”. He wants them to remain faithful and steadfast in their relationship with the Messiah, despite the challenges and temptations they may face. He wants them to hold on to the hope and the promises that God has given them. He wants them to be united in love and purpose, as he will say later in this chapter. He repeats the word “beloved” to emphasize his affection and his earnest appeal.

This verse is a wonderful reminder for us today that we are loved by God and by his servants. We are not alone in this journey of faith; we have brothers and sisters who care for us and support us. We are also a source of joy and reward for those who have invested in our spiritual growth. And we have a glorious future ahead of us when we will see our Master Jesus face to face and receive our crown of life. Therefore, let us stand firm in the Master, my beloved!

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Php 4:1.