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Wow! What a powerful and beautiful statement! This verse reminds us that God is the source of all light and life. He is the one who created everything out of nothing by speaking it into existence. He is the one who can turn our darkness into light by giving us his grace and salvation. He is the one who reveals himself to us through his Son, Jesus, who is the perfect image and reflection of his glory.

For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus the Messiah.

2 Corinthians 4:6 (CSB)

But what does it mean to have the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in our hearts? How does that affect our daily lives? Well, I think it means at least three things:

  1. It means that we have a personal relationship with God. We are not just his creatures, but his children. We are not just his servants, but his friends. We are not just his subjects, but his heirs. He loves us so much that he sent his Son to die for us and to rise again for us. He invites us to know him intimately and to enjoy his presence forever.
  2. It means that we have a purpose and a mission in this world. We are not here by accident, but by design. We are not here to live for ourselves, but for him. We are not here to blend in with the darkness, but to shine as lights. He has given us his Spirit and his word to guide us and empower us. He has given us his gifts and talents to serve him and others. He has given us his gospel and his church to share him and show him.
  3. It means that we have a hope and a future in eternity. We are not doomed to perish, but destined to live. We are not bound by sin and death, but freed by grace and life. We are not afraid of the troubles and trials in this world, but confident in the promises and plans of God. He has prepared a place for us in heaven where we will see him face to face and worship him forever.

So, my friends, let us rejoice in this amazing truth: God has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of his glory in the face of Jesus the Messiah! Let us live in this light and let it shine through us to others. Let us praise him and thank him for his wonderful works!