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In the realm of faith, where verses intertwine,

A passage echoes, a truth divine.

“Do not presume,” a whisper profound,

Words of the Master, a grace unbound.


“I came not to abolish,” He declares,

Law and Prophets, His love declares.

A promise woven in ancient scrolls,

In every word, redemption unfolds.


The Law, a guide, a moral light,

In shadows cast, in the quiet night.

Prophets foretelling a Savior’s birth,

A story woven on heaven’s loom, its worth.


The heart of the Gospel, this sacred verse,

Fulfillment’s dance, a universe.

In the Messiah, the promise finds its place,

The Lamb of God, a saving grace.


For love and mercy, He took the stage,

The Holy Spirit, a guiding sage.

The Law still stands, its purpose clear,

In the Messiah’s fulfillment, we draw near.


So, let the verses sing with might,

A symphony of grace, in the Holy Light.

Presume not to sever what God entwined,

For in fulfillment’s embrace, redemption we find.


The Law, a mirror, revealing sin,

The Prophets’ voices, a call within.

In the Messiah, completeness, a purpose whole,

The embodiment of the eternal soul.


As the pages turn, the story unfolds,

In every chapter, redemption molds.

The Law and Prophets, a timeless guide,

In Messiah’s fulfillment, love abides.


Let the Holy Spirit, in whispers deep,

Guide our hearts, our souls to keep.

In the journey of faith, let us stand still,

Embracing the truth: to fulfill, fulfill.

Based on Matthew 5:17 | “Do not presume that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill”