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Imagine being a young woman. You are a virgin. An angel shows up and lets you know you are going to give birth to the Son of God.

You ask how that can be since you are a virgin. The angel lets you know that the Spirit of God will make it happen AND nothing is impossible with God. NOTHING. Not a thing. EVERYTHING is possible.

This word of God has been challenging my heart and soul lately. I know I have had things I didn’t believe Jesus could do. I am leaning in to hear the word of our Father. If he says it, I can count on it. Nothing is impossible.

So here is the deal. When the Angel said nothing is impossible, Mary said, “I am the LORD’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Then a little while later Elizabeth (John the Baptist’s mother) said “Happy woman, who believed what God said, believed every word would come true!”

May I have faith to believe our Master. Nothing is impossible.

For nothing will be impossible with God.[1]

Luke 1:37 (ESV)

Have you ever faced a situation that seemed impossible to overcome? A challenge that was too big, too hard, or too complicated for you to handle? Maybe it was a health problem, a financial crisis, a broken relationship, or a personal struggle. Whatever it was, you felt hopeless and helpless, wondering how you could ever get through it.

If you have ever felt this way, you are not alone. Many people in the Bible faced impossible situations, too. Think of Abraham and Sarah, who were promised a son in their old age. Think of Moses, who had to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Think of David, who had to face the giant Goliath. Think of Esther, who had to risk her life to save her people. Think of Daniel, who was thrown into the lion’s den. Think of Mary, who was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah.

How did they overcome their impossible situations? How did they find the strength, the courage, the faith to do what God called them to do? The answer is simple: they trusted in God’s word. They believed that nothing is impossible with God. They clung to his promises and his power, and they saw him work miracles in their lives.

The same God who helped them is the same God who helps us today. He is still the God of the impossible. He is still able to do anything and everything according to his will. He is still faithful and true to his word. He is still with us and for us in every situation.

God is God. When you bundle all the attributes of God in one unified whole, you have God. God is not just one or two things. God is unlike anything or anyone we could ever know or imagine. He is one of a kind, unique and without comparison. Even describing him with mere words truly falls short of capturing who he is – our words simply cannot do justice to describe our holy God.

That’s why we can have hope and confidence in him. That’s why we can face any challenge with courage and joy. That’s why we can say with the angel Gabriel, who announced the birth of Jesus to Mary: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)

This verse is not only a statement of fact, but also a call to action. It invites us to trust God more, to pray more, to obey more, to expect more from him. It challenges us to look beyond our circumstances and see his possibilities. It encourages us to dream big and live boldly for his glory.

  • What impossible situation are you facing today?
  • What promise from God are you holding on to?
  • What miracle are you praying for?
  • What step of faith are you taking?

Remember that nothing is impossible with God. He can do anything he wants, anytime he wants, anywhere he wants, with anyone he wants. He can do it for you, too. Just believe.

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Lk 1:37.