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Jesus can keep me on my feet. I will never fall when I am in Him. I will stand tall in His bright presence. I will do the happy dance for sure and celebrate without end. There is no blame or fault finding in Jesus.

God is able. And God will. Why?

  • Because God is God, Great and Good.
  • That is God’s plan for us.
  • Through the power of God’s son Jesus, He will keep us standing.
  • Our job is to trust in Jesus.
  • Jesus is our Master and our Messiah.
  • That is the truth of the good news of Jesus.

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus the Messiah our Master, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

English Standard Version. (2016). (Jude 24–25). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.

This well-known benediction contains a wealth of spiritual truth for the believer to receive. If we want to keep our feet on the ground spiritually, walk straight, and not stumble, then we must yield ourselves fully to the Master Jesus.

  • He alone can guard us, but we must “keep ourselves in the love of God”.
  • He is able if we are willing!

Jude was not writing about the possibility of the believer sinning and falling from God’s family. He was writing about the believer’s daily walk with the Lord and the danger of going astray and stumbling. If we do disobey God, we may confess our sins and receive His forgiveness. If we persist in disobedience, He will chasten us in love. He will never permit one of His own to be lost.

The Father has covenanted with the Son that all of His people will one day see and share His glory. Jesus the Messiah will have the special joy of presenting His bride, the church, before the Father’s throne!

  • It was the anticipation of this “joy” that helped Him endure the sufferings of the Cross.
  • The purpose of salvation is not simply to rescue sinners from hell, as wonderful as that is. The grand purpose is that God may be glorified for all eternity.

Today, there are spots and blemishes in the church, but on that day God’s people shall be blameless. Satan will find nothing to accuse. The bride will be arrayed in the righteousness of the Messiah to the glory of God.

Knowing this, the believer has a strong motive for living for the Messiah and obeying His Word. We want to bring joy to His heart today as we anticipate the joy He will have when He welcomes His bride to heaven! This is the significance of 1 John 3:3—“And every man that has this hope in him purified himself, even as He is pure”.

This the only place in this little letter where Jude called our Master “Savior.” Peter used this title five times. But Jude opened his letter by reminding his readers of “the common salvation” (Jude 3) that they shared because of their faith in Jesus Christ. It is not enough to say that Jesus Christ is “a savior,” or “the Savior”; we must say that He is “our Savior—my Savior.”

Jesus is not only our Savior, but He is “the only wise God.” He can give you the wisdom you need to live your life to the glory of God.

  • The false teachers boasted of their special knowledge, but they lacked spiritual wisdom. God gives wisdom to those who ask Him, provided they are sincerely willing to obey Him.
  • If disciples would seek the wisdom of God in the Word of God, they would not stumble into the traps of the false teachers but would walk to please the Master.