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Why it matters: God promises that because he loves me, He will always rescue me.

  • God promises he will protect me.
  • God is in a good mood.
  • God wants the best for me.
  • God knows what he is doing.

God is God and we may not always understand what he is doing. God knows what he is doing. God’s goal for us is to trust him.

God knows me by name. I am known to him. I am not just a face in the crowd. I am his son. Even if I don’t see myself that way, it doesn’t change the facts or how God relates to me.

How cool is that? Very cool. It is great and amazing news.

It is impossible for God to lie. When God speaks, he means it and will stand behind what He says. It will accomplish the very will of God. Like Paul, we need to be fully convinced that what God has promised, He will do. God is both willing and able.

  • Isaiah 55:11 (CSB) — 11 so my word that comes from my mouth will not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.”
  • Romans 4:21 (CSB) — 21 because he was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do.