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In the story of faith, woven with grace,

Blessed are the souls, in righteousness embrace.

Persecuted, yet standing tall,

Their journey guided by the Spirit’s call.


In trials they tread, a path unknown,

A kingdom awaits, where seeds are sown.

For righteousness’ sake, they endure the strife,

Their reward secured, in eternal life.


The world may scorn, with judgment sharp,

Yet, in the shadows, a radiant spark.

For in persecution, the spirit refined,

A blessed inheritance, to the faithful assigned.


Through valleys of darkness, where shadows loom,

They march with courage, dispelling the gloom.

The kingdom of heaven, a promise pure,

For those who endure, steadfast and sure.


In persecution’s furnace, faith tested true,

Their righteousness shines, a heavenly hue.

For the kingdom they gain, a treasure untold,

A promise fulfilled, in streets of gold.


Oh, blessed are they, persecuted souls,

Whose journey aligns with divine scrolls.

Theirs is the kingdom, a celestial domain,

Where love reigns eternal, and joy shall sustain.


Let the winds of adversity fiercely blow,

They stand unshaken, with a heavenly glow.

Persecuted, yet victorious they stand,

For the kingdom of heaven, the promised land.

[Based on Matthew 5:10]