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A Thanksgiving Frame of Mind – Lostpine

Few moments shine as brightly as Apostle John’s encounter with the glorified Jesus, as vividly described in Revelation 1:17. This awe-inspiring passage serves as a profound testament to the overwhelming majesty and divinity of our Lord, a moment so potent that it compelled John to fall at the feet of the resurrected Christ as though dead.

When I [Apostle John] saw him [Jesus], I fell at his feet as though dead[1]

Revelation 1:17

The setting is the Isle of Patmos, a rocky and desolate terrain that bore witness to John’s faithful service to the Gospel. Banished for his unwavering commitment to spreading the Word of God, John found himself in solitude, a circumstance that would soon become the canvas upon which the divine revelation unfolded.

Picture the scene: The salty breeze of the Aegean Sea whispers through the air, the sun casting long shadows as it paints the sky in hues of orange and pink. In the midst of this solitude, the curtain between the earthly and heavenly realms is pulled back, revealing the radiant glory of Jesus the Messiah.

The scripture in Revelation 1:17 recounts John’s response to this divine manifestation: “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.” What a profound expression of the sheer majesty and holiness that radiated from the Savior! John, who had walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, now beheld Him in His glorified, resurrected state—a sight too magnificent for mortal eyes to fully comprehend.

  • The significance of John’s reaction lies in its raw authenticity.
  • The apostle, a seasoned follower of the Messiah, was not merely witnessing a familiar friend or a revered teacher.
  • He was beholding the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, in all His celestial splendor.
  • The weight of this encounter, the convergence of the earthly and the divine, was more than John’s mortal frame could bear.

Slain in the Spirit? I do not like the term but some use it. What happened to John is the stunning result of seeing directly the glory of Jesus. What happened? He fell to ground as if dead! Stunning. I have seen people do that very thing. There is scriptural evidence for it.

Consider the depth of John’s humility in that moment—falling at the feet of Jesus, acknowledging the vastness of the Creator in the presence of the created. It is a posture of surrender, a recognition that in the presence of the Almighty, our strength falters, and our pride crumbles. How often do we, like John, need to be reminded of the overwhelming greatness of our Savior?

This encounter also speaks to the transformative power of divine revelation. John’s perspective shifted in an instant, from the rocky shores of Patmos to the celestial realms where Christ reigns in glory. In that transformative moment, John’s understanding of Jesus expanded beyond the confines of earthly comprehension, and he gained a glimpse into the eternal reality of the resurrected Master Jesus.

For us, this passage is an invitation to seek similar transformative encounters with the divine. In the hustle and bustle of our lives, amidst the challenges and triumphs, may we pause to seek the face of Jesus. Let us open our hearts to the power of the Holy Spirit, that we may be filled with awe and reverence for the One who conquered death and offers us eternal life. We may be surprised at the result of this encounter. The power of the Holy Spirit will prevail.

In conclusion, the words of Revelation 1:17 resonate as a timeless testament to the overpowering majesty of Jesus. May we, like Apostle John, fall at His feet in humble adoration, allowing the transformative power of His presence to shape our lives and draw us closer to the heart of God.

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Re 1:17.