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All that striving is useless!! Can I be content with who I am? Is that it? That is all there is to it!! That is the attitude my Father wants me to have.

There are things that just cannot be bought. Happiness is one of them. I just cannot whip out my credit card and buy it.

Fortunate are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. [1]

Matthew 5:5

In a world that often glorifies power, dominance, and assertiveness, the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount bring a counter-cultural message – a message that elevates the virtue of meekness. In Matthew 5:5, Jesus teaches us that the meek are truly fortunate, for they will be heirs to something far greater than worldly possessions or temporary triumphs – they shall inherit the earth.

But what exactly does it mean to be meek? Meekness is not weakness, as some might mistakenly believe. Instead, it is an attitude of humility, gentleness, and self-control in the face of provocation or adversity. The meek are those who exhibit strength under control, choosing to respond to life’s challenges with a spirit of grace and inner tranquility. They do not seek to overpower others or assert their authority, but rather, they display patience, compassion, and understanding.

Throughout history, we find examples of individuals who personify meekness. One such exemplary figure is Jesus the Messiah himself. He demonstrated meekness in every aspect of His life, from His interactions with the marginalized and the outcasts to His response to those who persecuted Him unjustly. Despite possessing the power to command legions of angels, Jesus chose humility and meekness, even unto death on the cross. Through His meekness, He showed the world the path to true greatness.

When Jesus tells us that the meek shall inherit the earth, He is not speaking of a materialistic possession or a territorial dominion. Rather, He is pointing us towards a spiritual inheritance – a promise of abundant blessings and a profound intimacy with God. The meek are those who surrender their own will and desires to God, trusting in His divine plan and timing. They find contentment and fulfillment in their relationship with God rather than seeking to grasp for worldly gains.

The inheritance promised to the meek is not only reserved for the life to come but is also accessible in the present. By embracing meekness, we cultivate healthier relationships with others, promoting peace, and fostering unity. Meekness allows us to set aside our egos and to genuinely listen and empathize with those around us. In doing so, we create an environment of love and understanding, transforming the world one heart at a time.

As we strive to live out the teachings of Jesus, let us embrace meekness in our daily lives. Instead of seeking to be first, let us seek to serve others selflessly. In the face of injustice, let us respond with love and forgiveness, knowing that God is the ultimate judge. Let us relinquish the desire for control and trust in God’s sovereignty, knowing that He works all things for our good. In doing so, we become recipients of the true and lasting inheritance that Christ promises.

Let us remember that the path to inheriting the earth is not paved with arrogance and aggression but with meekness and humility. By emulating the example of Jesus and living out the principles He taught, we become bearers of God’s light in a world that so desperately needs it. Through the virtue of meekness, we can experience the richness of God’s blessings and play a part in building His kingdom here on earth. So let us embrace the call to be meek, for in doing so, we become truly fortunate – heirs to the abundant life God has prepared for us.

[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016), Mt 5:5.