


Welcome to Jesus Quotes and God Thoughts.

Radical Sayings of Jesus

Faith at Work: The Jesus Way” (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDHGKPXM) is now available on Amazon. If you would check it out, I would consider it an honor. I used a style of writing known as “Smart Brevity”. The articles tend to be short and highly readable. I would very be interested in your feedback on this style of writing.

To get ready for the official launch later this month, it helps if there are reviews of the book on the Amazon site. If you could at least scan the book and leave a review it on Amazon, that will help. Also, please let me know if you see any fatal flaws or egregious errors. I can update the content before a more aggressive launch.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

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The Priceless Treasure: Discovering the Kingdom of Heaven


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God’s world is a treasure. I will give up everything for it. I must remember that the treasure isn’t mine. I just found it when I was trespassing one day.

Please check out this short video.


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

~Jesus (Matthew 13:44)

Jesus illustrates the captivating concept of the kingdom of heaven being like a treasure hidden in a field, waiting to be unearthed. This parable delves deep into the essence of our faith, guiding us towards a profound understanding of the Holy Spirit’s role in uncovering the treasures of God’s kingdom.